The Venue

The Venue
The building of the Czechoslovak Club on 15 Krakra St. where the Tango Bar milonga was taking place.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Halloween Milonga on 31 Ocotber 2007

31 Ocotber 2007
7.30 pm - 10.30 pm
Czechoslovak Club, 15 Krakra St.
Dress code: BLACK or SCARY
Entrance: 3 BGN

Monday, October 15, 2007

Change in the date of the milonga on 24 October 2007

In the last week of October 2007, the milonga Tango Bar will take place on Friday (26th October), instead of on its usual day Wednesday (24th October). The place and the time remain unchanged. In order not to leave tango lovers without milonga on Wednesday 24th October, the Tango Bar team organizes an alternative milonga from 7.30 pm at the club on 18 Vitosha Blvd. (The glass door, next to the entrance to "Upstairs"), free entrance.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Most regular visitor award for 2007.

A special award will be given to the most regular visitor of the Tango Bar Milonga in 2007. Starting from 10th October, there will be a special guest book in which everyone who wishes may have his/her name registered when they pay the entrance fee for any milonga they attend. During the last milonga for 2007 the award will be given to the person with the highest number of registered visits from 10th October including the last milonga for 2007. If there are more than one person with the same highest number of visits for this period the winner of the award will be determined by a special draw among them.

The organizing team of the Tango Bar Milonga, the team of TanguerIN Studio and all those who attended milongas without paying entrance fees are not eligible for the award.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Concept and policy of our milonga

First of all, let us note for those of you who are new to the dancing of argentine tango that the term "milonga" has two important meanings. On one hand this is a style of music and dance from which tango originates that has become one of tango's popular varieties. On the other hand milonga is the place where tango and its varieties (milonga and tango-vals) are danced socially and is a generally accepted term for a tango party around the world. In this context, one can go to a milonga where one can dance a milonga, which are two different things - don't get confused, please.

The Tango Bar milonga is a typical tango party in the spirit and the tradition of Buenos Aires and follows the format and the style of the local milongas. Which means that the music consists mainly (around 80%) of traditional tango and its varieties, divided in tandas. A tanda is a set of 3-5 pieces of the same orchestra or/and of the same style and time period. Tandas are usually divided by cortinas - short musical breaks of non-tango music. In Buenos Aires people usually do not dance to a cortina, after each tanda the couples break away and new couples are formed in the beginning of the next tanda.

The musical policy of the Tango Bar milonga and its resident DJ Ivo is to play tango music in tandas. Cortinas may or may not be used depending on the mood of the evening. Tandas are played using the classical 2-1-2-1 scheme, i.e. 2 tandas of tangos followed by a tanda of valses followed by 2 tandas of tangos followed by a tanda of milongas. Sometimes a tanda of milongas may be replaced by a tanda of candombes (candombe is one of the parents of the milonga still very popular in Argentina and Uruguay). During the last hour usually the DJ includes a tanda or two of tango nuevo, electrotango or neo tango (alternative music which has rhythm and emotional charge similar to those of the tango). Depending on the mood of the evening the DJ may play 1 or 2 chacareras - a popular and joyful argentinean folk line dance with simple choreography that can be learned at TanguerIN Studio in Sofia.

The Tango Bar Milonga from its days at the club on Kaloyan Street.

Monday, October 1, 2007

The Tango Bar Milonga is back!

The long awaited comeback of the Tango Bar milonga in Sofia will happen on 3rd October 2007. The milonga has a new venue - the ballroom at the Czech Club on 15 Krakra St. in Sofia. It will run in its usual day, Wednesday, from 7.30 pm until 10.30 pm. The organizers from TanguerIN Studio promise to keep alive the tradition of making special thematic milongas and inviting interesting guest performers. The resident DJ Ivo will continue to play the best of the legendary tango orchestras as well as the latest from the contemporary tango music. Join us in celebrating the comeback of the popular milonga after a year long break.